هذا الكتاب يمثل آراء وأفكار الدكتور محمد شحرور للناطقين باللغة الإنكليزية، قام بالترجمة والتحرير وإعداد المقدمة الدكتور أندرياس كرستمان الأستاذ المحاضر في جامعة مانشستر في بريطانيا، والمختص بالدراسات الإسلامية المعاصرة، والكتاب صادر عن دار بريل بهولندا، ويمكن طلبه من دار النشر مباشرة على العنوان التالي:
ISSN: 1385-3376 / ISBN: 978 90 04 17103 9
This book presents the work and ideas of the Syrian writer Muhammad Shahrur to the English-speaking world. Shahrur is at the moment the most innovative intellectual thinker in the Arab Middle East. Often described as the ‘Martin Luther of Islam,’ he offers a liberal, progressive reading of Islam that aims to counter the influences of religious fundamentalism and radical politics. Shahrur’s innovative interpretation of the Qur’an offers groundbreaking new ideas, based on his conviction that centuries of historical Islam, including scholarship in the traditional Islamic religious sciences, have obscured or even obliterated the Qur’an’s progressive and revolutionary message. That message is one that has endured through each period of human history in which Islam has existed, encouraging Muslims to apply the most contemporary perspective available to interpret the Qur’an’s meaning
Muhammad Shahrur was born in Damascus in 1938. A Professor of Civil Engineering (Emeritus) at the University of Damascus, he has written since 1990 five major books in Arabic on the Qur’an and Islam in the modern world that have attracted widespread interest in the Middle East and elsewhere
Andreas Christmann, Dr. Phil (1999) in Islamic Studies, University of Leipzig, is Senior Lecturer in Contemporary Islam at the University of Manchester (UK). He has published extensively on religious thought and practices in contemporary Syria and Egypt
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Faysal Semati
where can I buy Mohamed shahror boks , both in arabic and english?
Cher Docteur,
Merci pour vos lumières. Nous en avons, nous les arabes de toute confession ,de nous définir afin de nous reconnaitre et d’avoir des rapports de paix avec nous mêmes et avec les autres.Je suis de votre génération et j’ai sans approfondir la culture arabe senti que nous avons été victimes de falsifications . la vie appartient à ceux qui cherchent la vérité et combien sont précieuses les personnes comme vous .Merci