21122019 المنتديات الأسئلة والأجوبة Prohibitions taken from the sayings of prophet mohamed

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  • الكاتب
  • Hanadi
    #13073 |

    Hello Mr.shahrour can you please write a book on the ideas and traditions some believe to be true and practice till today because the prophet mohammed said to not do according to the ‘fuquha’ for example, the prohibition of owning a dog? as it apparently makes the angels disappear from the house, forcing or urging left handed people to eat with the right hand? also not encouraging people to put pictures of themselves up on the wall?, visiting the grave?. when praying woman are not allowed to use fake nails or nail polish?, if shaking the hands of a man or kissing on the lips of a husband or a lover (boyfriend) or cheek kissing like how arabs great eachother affects our wudhu. What muslim woman followers of the prophet mohamed need to cover when we go to the beach to swim mixed with men&woman worldwide. These are my questions for now i apologise if its too many. Mr shahrour please do come to London and when you do please update on your Facebook. Please reply back in arabic as i can read and understand. Thank you

    مدير عام
    #16515 |

    سبق لي أن أصدرت كتاب “السنة النبوية والسنة الرسولية” شرحت فيه الفرق بين الاثنتين، وما يؤخذ من الأحاديث من عدمه.

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