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    مدير عام
    #16924 |

    الأحاديث وضعت بعد وفاة الرسول بقرنين، بما يتناسب مع مصالح السلاطين والفقهاء، والحديث الذي ذكرته هو مثال واضح عن ذلك.

    Ahmed Dourid
    #13691 |

    Salam Dr Chahrour .I should definitely thank you for your unprecedented audacity to free thousands and thousands of people in the islamic world in particular the muslim Arab world.from the matrix set by ( alfokaha) in the omuayad and abassid eras.What stroke me deeply was the first video of you Sir came to see tackling one point among others that of music as allowed andthere’s no divine forbidding of it.I was totally emancipated as i do music and i have never deep inside of me regarded music as something Allah would forbid..

    Be sure that you’re the first scholar who has concretly tackled the text of the Koran in such highly distinguished linguistic approach .This is my field of concern as i teach languages.Thank you again and i pray Allah to protect you .

    Hi Dr .There’s something still confusing me related to a (Hadit) recommending believers ( Mouminin) not to uprise against their Amir.How could be it true if the Amir is a criminal or godlike ruler?? Thank you in advance and i’ll be grateful , Sir, if you would clarify this to me?

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